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Auto Title (USAA)

  • Demonstrates content architecture and grammar mapping capabilities.

  • The auto title flow is another demonstration of content architecture that was collaboratively created between an auto title subject matter expert, legal, bank digital, compliance and our third party vendor.

  • The most interesting part of this design to me is how we got here. My bank digital partner said they are getting a lot of calls about “changing auto titles to another state” and “shipping a vehicle overseas”. So naturally, she wanted to craft detailed designs for these scenarios.

  • Understanding the need, I took a look to see how many people were asking the Virtual Agent about these topics and found that 2 people in 6 months asked specifically about this topic. I then looked at the topic from the higher level of “auto title” we had at least 600 inquiries a month (still not very high volume, but certainly better than 2!). So I had the conversation with our bank digital partner and explained, yes, we can spend a lot of time and development dollars creating these 2 detailed experiences, but if people don’t ask specifically about it, no one will use it - we need a way to guide them there. Luckily data is fairly convincing, so she agreed to take the conversation to a more vague level and clarify user needs as we go. It significantly increased the scope of disambiguation and the number of answers we’d have to provide to members, but ultimately it helped so many more members, reduced unnecessary calls to the auto title department, and gave members the information they needed.

  • We still built the detailed design for “change my title to a different state” and if you say that directly you’ll get skipped down the dialog tree straight into that flow. I don’t have current volumes for that effort, but it is in production as shown below and all USAA members can interact with it.

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